Tuesday, 16 November 2010

This week's menu ;o)

I had a wonderful time in London, watched Mamma Mia and Mouse Trap and in the day went for a tour of the Houses of Parliament which were amazing!  Another good thing is that Myself and Sharon didn't spend all our money so we have put what we didn't spend towards next years trip!  Marvellous!!  Anyway here is this weeks menu!

Monday: Sausage casserole with swede and potato mash and vegetables
Tuesday: Sheperd's Pie
Wednesday: Mother in Laws for tea!
Thursday: Chilli for Steve and I and stwe for the children(out of the freezer - bulk cooked previously)
Friday: Chicken Fajita's - Family Favourite!!
Saturday: Freezer surprise!!(Concoct something out of what is left in the freezer to make room for Christmas)
Sunday: Roast beef dinner

I have managed to make this weeks meals mainly out of stuff I aleady have, but there are a couple of things I have to get but I cant see me spending loads if I am honest.  I need to get sandwich stuff, toilet rolls etc and I have already bulk bought washing powder as it was on offer!  I will get back to you with how much I spent later in the week.

I have been good with economising with my meals etc so I am going to now try to get a bit greener in my approach to life.  Don't get me wrong I recycle and reuse loads of things but as my local authority don't collect cardboard and Tetrapac I dispose of them in the bin.  So from now on I am going to find out where my nearest recycling point that I can dispose of these two is and take them there unless the petrol consumption is so high that it cancels it out.  My garden is also looking a bit sad and dejected at the moment so I am going to try to get that sorted ready for planting etc at the earliest opportunity.  And my other green thing is handmaking and reusing thing to give to people for christmas!

I think I may have a busy couple of weeks ahead of me!!

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